Friday, March 15, 2013

More adventures: Israel and Europe, March-April 2013

I know--the title of this blog is "Alaska!!" but rather then start a whole new blog, I'm just going to continue it with our next big adventure. If someone smarter than I can figure out how to change the name, then I will--otherwise, just look for the newest posts.
this whole thing started with Shiri getting a Fulbright to live in Austria for a year--obviously we would have to go visit. So we looked at the dates and what seemed best was to go over her Spring Break, as well as the breaks of many of my schools. Once we saw how close it is to Passover, we thought it would be awesome for is to be able to celebrate with Yoram's family in Israel for the first time in many, many years. So, after much saving and many plans, we leave on March 20, fly to Vienna, spend a day there with Shiri, and continue on to Israel. There we'll spend the first 2 days of Passover in the desert with the entire Yadlin family (Yoram's dad, 2 brothers, their kids and partners, and the 2 kids of his oldest brother--Michal is joining us to thanks to their financial help). We'll have a few more days in Israel, and then it's back to Europe: Easter weekend in Vienna, a trip to Prague, Bratislava and Budapest with Shiri, then Salzburg on our own, and a few more days in Vienna before coming back home on April 12. So, if you want to follow our adventures--here's the place! I can't promise how often we'll post, but it will all get here eventually.


Lynne and Yoram

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