Thursday, July 18, 2013

Auf Wiedersehen, Wien: Bis naechsten Mal!

I guess the city of Vienna didn't want it to be too difficult for us to leave, so Friday morning it was back to the grey, rainy skies of much of the rest of the trip. We weren't quite sure what we wanted to do, but we knew we wanted to experience a bit more of the unique artist/painter/environmentalist/political activist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, so we headed for the Kunst Haus (Art House) and Hundertwasser Museum. As you can see from the following photos, he was an artist/architect who was anything but conventional--and it seems that he hated right angles. He firmly beliveved that our cities should be freed from the rectangles, the tight, symmetrical spaces, and the lack of green that "plague" them, and his building designs reflect those principals.  His art is really fun and striking--colorful, vibrant and eye-catching. Here are a few examples of his architectural style:
Front of the Museum
In the courtyard
Museum lobby--the floor isn't flat!
Waterfall in the lobby
Even the rest rooms were funky!
We weren't supposed to take photos in the museum, but I did manage to sneak a few (I have the
 feeling I may some day be banned from future visits to the great sites of Europe for my rogue photography!)
"Tree tenants"
This was an amazing tapestry!
Hundertwasser's suggested design for the Israeli Flag
 From the Museum, we walked a few blocks to the actual area with the buildings he designed that are still occupied by tenants today. Apparently, though they filled super quickly at the time (1980's), many of the original inhabitants got over the novelty pretty quickly and moved out. Maybe they got tired of tripping over the waves in their living room floor! The complex is now a little tourist area for all things 100H2O (get it??). So  creative, unique, and frankly, a bit crazy!! We have a Hundertwasser poster up in our home (have since it was Yoram's before we were married) so it was fun to see so much of his work.

"Tree tenants"
Inside the Hundertwasser Mall
For our last evening in Vienna, we decided to visit the Styria Streer Fair, an outdoor street fair featuring "Steiermarkt", a province in southwestern Austria bordering Slovenia, which took place on the plaza outside City Hall. They call the area the green heart of Austria because of its agriculture and wine regions. The drizzle and cold somewhat "dampened" our experience, and we were too full to sample many of the food and drinks they offered, but there were some fun booths and sights.

I particularly loved the trumpet player who played on first two and then three trumpets all at the same time!! Check out the videos!

For dinner on our last night we met with Shiri's landlady and her son in a really fun place close to one of the University campuses in an old hospital building. They had their distillery and some really good food and it was a wonderful chance to think back on the trip, and spend time with the woman Shiri had lived with for a year. Then is was back to organize and repack, bid a sad farewell to Shiri, and prepare for our flight home the next day.

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