Saturday, April 6, 2013

He is Risen Indeed: Easter in Vienna--Music, Music and more Music!!

3/31 Easter Sunday. When we awoke on Easter Morning, this was the view out of the window of our room; about 4 inches on the ground and the snow was still falling, so we decided that a run wasn’t the best idea. The thermometer on the pharmacy we passed each day on our way to the train station said 1 degree Celsius! 

Fortunately, many of our plans involved indoor activities, most of them centered around Easter and Music. The first was an Easter Mass in the Minoritenkirche, a pre-Gothic building where the Italian community in Vienna worships. I guess that explains the facsimile of The Last Supper painted on the wall of the church. There, we heard the Mozart Coronation Mass—full chorus and orchestra. I guess I had forgotten that, in the churches in Europe, the regular music for the service (our equivalent of the Worship Band) is often a full, well-trained chorus, and especially on holidays, a full orchestra as well!  I must say, this music is so much more conducive to worship for me…

Shiri's Church
We left that service a bit early to make it to the Easter Service at Shiri’s church, an English language service, which I really enjoyed. Then it was a late lunch/early dinner in a cafĂ© where we had the chance to warm up (it was so cold—even in the church, and it was still snowing) and Skype with Roni. 
Skyping via iphone isn't east, especially in a crowded cafe!
Finally, we went to the main Cathedral, St. Stephens for the Vespers service, with Mozart’s Vespers—I thought it was the piece I knew and had performed many times, but instead it was the lesser known Vespers, but beautiful nonetheless. The choir and orchestra were excellent, and I even enjoyed the organ interludes! 

By the time the service was over, it was time to head back to Purkersdorf to pack up, bring our extra luggage to Shiri’s and go to bed since we needed to wake up at 5:30 to get the bus to Prague.

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